Greenfield Primary School


Secondary school admissions for Year 6 - letter to parents

010924 - Letter to Walsall Parents - Secondary Transfer for September 2024.pdf

 If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements - full details are in our Admissions policy on our policies page.


Reception and Mid-Year Applications

All applications are made online.  If you have any questions in relation to in-year applications and appeals please contact Walsall Council on or refer to the Local Authority website.

Please click here to apply for a place in either Mid-Year or for Reception in September.  The page will inform you what the deadline is for applications.

Alternatively, you can contact Walsall Primary Admissions Team on 01922652585.

Walsall Council

School Admissions Information


Equalities Statement

Equalities Statement 2020