Greenfield Primary School

Special Educational Needs

SENCo - Mrs A Cunnington

Telephone - 01922 682 234

Email Address -

What do our parents say about our SEN provision at Greenfield?

'There are always discussions about my child before decisions are made. We are both involved in these.'


'I am very happy with the help my son has had. He has made fantastic progress. I am extremely happy with all aspects of his education.'


'School have been wonderful with my child, keeping me updated and trying to access services that will help my son and his education'


'I am always asked if I am happy with any decisions made and it is explained to me why these decisions have been made'


'I am very happy with the help and support given to both myself and my child. We are very grateful'


'I cannot thank the nursery team and the SENCo enough for all of the efforts and support that have been put into place to encourage my child's progress in nursery.  The huge increase in my daughter's confidence are a credit to all of the actions that have been put into place.'


Please see our information report below.

Equality Information

Equalities Statement 2023

Greenfield Accessibility Plan 2021-2024

SEN Policy 2023

Equal Opportunities Policy 2020

SEN Information Report 2022


Walsall Local Offer