Greenfield Primary School




Geography is a subject that offers a platform for many questions about the natural and human world to be asked and answered. It is a subject where investigations are a key part. The skills taught and learnt in Geography are transferable to other subjects and to everyday life.

The National Curriculum states that as pupils progress through school their knowledge and understanding of the world around them should grow and deepen their understanding of physical and human processes in the world and of landscapes and environments.

At Greenfield, we desire to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination for the world they live in. It is our aim that pupils will be equipped with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. It is our goal to ensure our pupils develop their locational knowledge and become competent in skills to collect, analyse and communicate using a range of data.



Geography is taught for a half-term at a time, alternating with History. It takes into consideration what previous knowledge the children have, building upon this from one session to the next. The way Geography is taught means that as children move through school they will revisit previously taught areas and repeat learning at a greater depth, adding to the knowledge they already have for specific areas of Geography.

In EYFS Geography learning builds on what the children learn about ‘place’ in their maths learning, using these skills to introduce them to learning about the world around them.

In Key stage 1, our pupils will be taught to develop their knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality. They will begin to use geographical skills, including first hand observation.

In Lower KS2 our pupils will build on and extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to that of the United Kingdom and Europe and to learn about how human processes and physical processes change a landscape.

In Upper KS2 our pupils learn about North and South America. The pupils will learn about the different types of biomes in the world. They will have opportunities to develop their ability to locate and discuss the characteristics of the world’s most significant human and physical features.



Geography is monitored through planning and book trawls. The book trawls allow the opportunity to see children’s learning and progress throughout school. Over the course of the year, the staff fill in skills ladders to keep track of the progression of children in their geography learning and to identify which areas to plan for next. Once these have been completed it also helps in providing a sense of where the children are with their learning.

Coordinator meetings take place regularly to ensure careful monitoring is being carried out by staff and that any changes or areas for development are shared with all staff.  


For more information, please click here to see the National curriculum document



Key Stage 1 - Medium Term Plans






Lower Key Stage 2 - Medium Term Plans






Upper Key Stage 2 - Medium Term Plans