Greenfield Primary School

Early Years

EYFS Curriculum Statement


Greenfield Early Years Foundation Stage is a safe and happy place to learn, work and play.  In partnership with families the team are fully committed to providing an engaging and enriching curriculum.  Children are guided on a nurturing journey enabling them to become more confident, inquisitive, imaginative and positive learners. The fully inclusive and personalised curriculum promotes independence and encourages children to enjoy challenges and to persevere. We celebrate the development of skills and knowledge to ensure our children have firm foundations and are well prepared for the next steps in their school journey.


At Greenfield we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This Framework specifies the requirements for learning and development in the Early Years and it is organised into seven Areas of Learning and Development:

Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language development

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Through a well organised, stimulating environment, the children create their own play and will demonstrate positive characteristics of effective learning – playing and exploring (engagement), active learning (motivation) and creating and thinking critically (thinking).

We plan a broad and balanced curriculum that values children’s prior learning and cultural backgrounds.  Our topics are based around a selection of key texts planned to provide a range of enjoyment, vocabulary and experiences for the child. Our topics are also planned to ensure appropriate depth and challenge.

Our carefully planned lessons aim to capture the children’s attention and imagination and create a sense of awe and wonder. We listen to children’s ideas and assess what they already know about a topic/subject. We then use this to help shape the topic and plan experiences building on children’s prior learning, skills and knowledge. Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development are at the heart of all learning. 

The timetable is organised effectively to ensure a balance of teacher directed and child initiated activities.  Learning through play is vital. We use the environment to ensure the children’s needs are met through continuous provision and enhanced provision, and by following their interests. Continuous provision challenges the children to push boundaries, take risks and create their own learning paths. 

Staff teach objectives through whole class, small group, and teacher directed activities and by going into continuous provision to observe children’s play and move learning forward at that point. Staff record a ‘snapshot’ of children’s learning to build an overall picture and set next steps in the moment to move learning on. Evidence is kept in Learning Journals and in Reception children are also given a maths and writing evidence book. Formative assessment takes place within every session and helps staff to identify children who require further challenges or additional support to achieve the objective. 

At Greenfield we follow RWI and each day children access a daily Phonics lesson.  In EYFS children are organised in Phonics groups, according to their ability. These groups are fluid and flexible according to children's progress and needs.  Children's progress is tracked regularly and lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. In addition children also access a daily writing or maths lesson and are read with every week. Small groups of children in EYFS also access Phonics, Maths and Communication and Language interventions. These bespoke interventions provide opportunities for children to revisit previous teaching, reinforce class teaching and to support children in achieving a Good Level of Development. 

Our young learners understand the importance of respect and British values.  We believe there are no limits to what children can achieve.  With determination, hard work and a positive attitude anything is possible and all staff encourage children to ‘imagine, believe, succeed’.


At Greenfield Primary School we use both formative and summative assessments to inform medium term and weekly planning.  We start with a baseline assessment at the beginning of the school year. Assessment information is also used at termly Pupil Progress meetings to inform next steps. Target children are identified and interventions are planned and implemented. Assessment data is submitted termly where achievement and progress of groups of learners is then analysed. Lesson observations, book scrutinies, learning walks and pupil/parent/staff voice are all used to monitor and evaluate the teaching and learning in EYFS. 

EYFS Profile data shows that the number of children achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD) was in line with National averages and above Local averages. Our Good Level of Development (GLD) has had an upward trend for the third year in succession. Our EYFS Profile data shows the number of children working at the expected level of development for Reading, Writing and Maths also continues to improve. The data shows the gap to National averages has closed to within 1% and we continue to be in line or above Local averages. 


EYFS Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Curriculum Overview

Forest School Long Term Plan

Literacy Long Term Plan and Reading Spine

Maths Long Term Plan