Greenfield Primary School


Art – Intent

At Greenfield Primary School art, craft and design are valued as an important part of every child’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum.  Lessons are designed to help children to think creatively and to inspire, engage and challenge pupils. This in turn gives them the opportunity to develop an extensive understanding of how art reflects the shape and history of our world and how it can contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of all societies.

A high quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.   Children will be introduced to a range of styles both throughout history and in contemporary works, this will include a culturally diverse selection of work from both male and female artists from around the world.

By providing an accessible and engaging curriculum it is our intent that all children should be able to reach their full potential.



To ensure that the standards of art teaching in school is high and that by the end of school children have a wide range of skills we:

Teach Art for a whole afternoon every other week

Plan for children to show how to generate ideas, use the formal elements of art, have an appreciation of artists, use design skills, have an appreciation of artists and can evaluate their work.

Children will be encouraged to produce creative work, exploring their own ideas and experiences. The children will become efficient in drawing (ink, pencil, pastels, charcoal) painting (acrylic, watercolour etc.) and sculpture and will be able to critically evaluate their work using the language of art, craft and design.

Planning is based on a two year rolling programme within each phase. Each element of the curriculum is first visited to allow the children to gain a basic understanding of each skill and then they are revisited to allow the children to gain an advanced knowledge and also have the opportunity to show their learning at greater depth.

The planning also includes giving children access to a wide range of artists throughout history and from countries all around the world. Artists with cultural, gender and ethnicity differences are included to give children a perspective that reflects the world we live in today.

Knowledge is sequenced by following Phase Group key objectives from the National Curriculum.

In Early Years the children are encouraged to be expressive in arts, having the opportunity to safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques experimenting with colour, design, texture and form. They share their creations, explaining the processes they have used.



To ensure the standard of art teaching in school is high and that by the end of school children have a good understanding of art we;

Regularly review the curriculum throughout the year.

Whole school drawing project which allows a snapshot of progression throughout the whole school.

Sketch books from Year 1 to Year 6 to show each child’s artistic journey throughout their time in school.

Tracking of planning against the curriculum throughout the year.

Listen to the children’s voice, asking for their experiences of artistic learning.

Teachers are asked to monitor progress against a skills ladder which matches the attainments expected by the National Curriculum, this supports teachers with their planning. The coordinator also carries out an audit of this to help staff develop their skills.

Audit of skills ladders show that at the end of each phase each cohort of children have experienced all the skills they need to. This also helps to identify those who need more help or are able to show strengths which can be built on in following phase, which assists teachers in their planning.

This also allows an opportunity for the coordinator to give advice and recommend training for staff.

Remember – Children revisit, consolidate and build on learning throughout each topic and in addition repeat this cycle from phase to phase.

Knowledge is sequenced by following year group key objectives from national curriculum

Art – children are able to access a wide range of media and create work using the styles of artists throughout history. This is monitored by cross checking of work against the MTP.


Mrs G Murdoch

Art Coordinator



PRIMARY National Curriculum - Art and Design

Art Curriculum Overview